We Need Your Support and Help

We thank you for the overwhelming response to the FA Cup draw. It is more than I could have dreamed of in my first year as owner of this great football club. However, I need your help please.

As you may know, this football club is run by volunteers who all have full time jobs, so we are endeavouring to address all your queries and requests within a timely manner. Given the sheer volumes of individual requests we are receiving at this time, from fans, the media and the general public,  I ask for calm and patience especially, with our volunteers and stewards.

A set of Q&A’s together with the details of the ticket allocation process will be published very shortly. However, despite our best intentions, we will make mistakes. That’s normal given the demands on the club given the short period since the FA Cup draw.  We recognise that some may upset at missing out of tickets, but I truly would like you to understand it is not intentional against any person or indeed, any groups of fans.  If I had my way, I would take every single Poppies fan and create the best atmosphere we have seen in years but that is impossible. So, let’s enjoy the moment and if you are unlucky for whatever reason that you will not get a ticket, then at least this time you have the benefit of watching the match on BBC Two.

Thank you for your understanding and I hope to see as many of you on Saturday for another important league match which is key for our strategy for the season.

Kettering Town FC Owner George Akhtar

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Brothers United

Saturday was not just eventful, in that Kettering secured a well earned 3-0 win against Barwell, but also one of the three match mascots has